Don't let winter slow you down! Staying fit and active is more important than ever during these cold winter months. It is the key to managing nagging arthritis pain and stiffness, and helps reduce the risk of dangerous injuries and falls.

Let physical therapy come to YOU this winter with "at home" physical therapy. Get the treatment you deserve to manage your PT needs, AND establish a successful routine of exercise and fitness to keep you strong and safe all winter long. And always remember, Movement is Medicine!
Specialized in working with seniors, our programs our designed to address your individual concerns. Treatments are evidence based and focused on getting results to manage pain, improve strength and function, and ultimately maintain a safe and active lifestyle. Whether it be getting back on the tennis courts, golfing, or simply enjoying a beautiful walk outdoors, we are committed to helping you live your best life! Treatments Include:
Strength and Flexibility training
Manual therapy and Joint Mobilizations
Pain Management
Fall Prevention
Gait Training
Balance Training
Neuromuscular Reeducation
Patient Education
Tai Chi for Health and Wellness
Yoga and Pilates for physical therapy
Contact us today to begin your journey to a healthy and active lifestyle! 443-799-3119
~Live Life to the Fullest~